Wednesday, December 14, 2016


The functions of the hardware composing a computer can be divided broadly into the following five categories: Input; Storage; Operation; Control and Output.
The following are the units that implement the above-mentioned functions:
· Input unit: This unit inputs the data and programs for computer processing. It is equivalent to the human eyes and ears.
· Storage unit: This unit stores the input data and programs. It is equivalent to the memory section of the human brain.
· Arithmetic unit: This unit conducts calculation and decision on the stored data according to the instructions of the program. It is equivalent to the thinking section of the human brain.
· Control unit: This unit controls the input unit, storage unit, arithmetic unit and the output unit. It is equivalent to the human central nervous system.
· Output unit: This unit outputs the results of This unit controls the input unit, storage unit, arithmetic unit and the output unit. It is equivalent to the human central nervous system computer processing in a format that can be understood by humans. It is equivalent to the human hands and mouth.
These five units are called the "computer five main units".
Since the control unit and the arithmetic unit are handled as one unit, they are called the processor (processing unit) or central processing unit (CPU). The general term "peripheral devices" is used to refer to the input unit, the output unit and the auxiliary storage devices that are outside the processor and exchange data with the main storage unit.
     Likewise, the storage units are divided into main storage unit an
d auxiliary storage device, depending on their functions. (1)   RAM (Random Access Memory)
The RAM is semiconductor memory in which data writing and reading is possible. When the computer is turned off, the stored data is lost. This property is called volatility. Since most main storage units are composed of RAMs, the processor can be made to read and write information from the main storage unit at random by specifying the address.
RAMs are classified into DRAMs and SRAMs.
    1)DRAM (Dynamic RAM)
A DRAM represents bits, and stores information depending on whether the part called capacitor is being charged (status "1") or is not being charged (status "0").
Since the circuits are simple and small, RAMs of large capacity can be created at low cost. However, since the charge stored in the capacitor is lost after a lapse of time, the memory needs to be rewritten (recharged) at regular intervals. This operation is called refreshing. Once, DRAMs were used in the main storage unit, but currently they are also used in storage units, etc., contained in the input/output units of printers and other devices.
           2)SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM)
Due to the progress of IC technology, and the consequent substantial improvement of the performance of processors, the operating speed of the DRAMs that composed the storage unit could not keep up with the operating speed of the processors. For that reason, an external clock signal that indicates the processor operation timing is now set in the DRAM and through synchronization with this signal, complicated address specifications are reduced and simplified, enabling the development of DRAMs that operate at high speeds. These types of DRAMs are called synchronous DRAMs (SDRAM).
    3)SRAM (Static RAM)
SRAMs are created with a circuit called the flip-flop. The flip-flop settles the output according to the previous input and the current input, and can preserve the status "1" and "0" inside the circuit. Since data is not lost unless the computer is turned off, memory refreshing is not necessary. However, since SRAM circuits are complicated, the memory capacity is smaller than that of DRAMs and the cost is higher. However, since its processing speed is high, it is used in devices such as the registers contained in main storage units and processors.
(2)   ROM (Read Only Memory)
The ROM is semiconductor memory for read use only. Since programs and data are stored in the ROM from the beginning, the stored information is not lost even if the computer is turned off. This property is called nonvolatility.
             ROMs are classified into mask ROMs and user programmable ROMs.
            1)Mask ROM
Since programs and data are already written in the Mask ROM before it is shipped by the manufacturer, the user cannot add any programs or data. Mask ROMs are used in the memories of game cassettes and IPL (Initial Program Loader), a program used to start the computer, etc.
     2)User programmable ROM
The user programmable ROM is a type of ROM, but since at the time it is shipped by the manufacturer it has nothing stored in it, the user can write data into it once. The following types of user programmable ROM exist
·   PROM (Programmable ROM): Once data has been written, it cannot be erased.
·   EPROM (Erasable PROM): It can be erased with ultraviolet light and rewritten.
·   EEPROM (Electrically Erasable PROM): It can be erased through the application of electrical voltage and rewritten.
EEPROM is used in a storage medium called flash memory, which is used in the registration of image data of digital cameras, etc. Likewise, it is also used in the storage section of IC
Техник хангамж
     Компьютерийг бүрдүүлэгч  техник хангамжийг өргөн утгаар нь дараах таван ангилалд  хувааж болно: Оролт; Хадгалалт, Operation; Хяналт, Гаралт.
    Дээр дурьдсан  дараах функцуудыг хэрэгжүүлэх төхөөрөмж нь:
Оролтын төхөөрөмж:  Энэ төхөөрөмж нь компьютероор боловсруулагдах өгөгдлүүд болон программыг оруулна. Хүний нүд болон чих зэрэг эрхтэнүүдтэй төстэй. 
Хадгалах төхөөрөмж:  Энэ төхөөрөмж нь өгөгдлүүд болон программыг хадгална. Хүний тархины мэдээлэл санах хэсэгтэй төстэй.
Үйлдлийн төхөөрөмж: Програмын зааврын дагуу хадгалагдаж байгаа өгөгдлүүд дээр тооцоолон бодолт хийнэ.
Удирдлагын төхөөрөмж: Энэ төхөөрөмж нь оролтын  төхөөрөмж, санах төхөөрөмж, арифметик төхөөрөмж болон гаралтын төхөөрөмжүүдийг удирдана. Хүний мэдрэлийн төв системтэй төстэй.
Гаралтын төхөөрөмж: Энэ төхөөрөмж нь компьютерээр боловсруулагдсан хүнд ойлгомжтой хэлбэрийн өгөгдлийг дамжуулах үүрэгтэй. Хүний гар болон амтай төстэй.
          Эдгээр таван төхөөрөмжийг "компьютерийн үндсэн таван төхөөрөмж" гэж нэрлэдэг .  Удирдах төхөөрөмж болон арифметик төхөөрөмж хоёрыг нэг төхөөрөмж гэж үздэг ба төв процессор (CPU - central processing unit) гэж нэрлэдэг.  Peripheral devices гэдэгт  оролт, гаралт болон туслах санах төхөөрөмжүүд хамрагдах ба тэдгээр нь процессороос гадна тусдаа оршино. Үндсэн санах төхөөрөмжтэй мэдээлэл солилцоно. Санах төхөөрөмж нь зориулалтаасаа хамаарч үндсэн санах төхөөрөмж болон туслах санах төхөөрөмж гэж хуваагдана.
          Үүний нэгэн адил хадгалалтын төхөөрөмжүүд өөрсдийн чиг үүргээс хамаарч гол хадгалах төхөөрөмж болон туслах хадгалах төхөөрөмж гэж хуваагддаг.
(1) RAM (Random Access Memory) Шуурхай санах ой.
  Компьютер ажиллаж байх үед мэдээллийг хаана хадгалах эсвэл хааш нь шилжүүлэх зэргийг RAM  буюу шуурхай санах ой зохицуулж байдаг. RAM нь хэд хэдэн төрөл бөгөөд SRAM,  DRAM  гэж нэрлэнэ.
1.       DRAM (Dynamic RAM-Динамик шуурхай санах ой)
  DRAM нь мэдээллийг санахдаа хурдаар удаан боловч нэг бит мэдээллийг хадгалах хэсэг нь ердийн конденсаторын бүтэтэй байдаг. Хэсэг хугацааны дараа энэ мэдээллийг нь сэргээж байхгүй бол тэжээлд залгаатай ч гэсэн мартчихдаг байна. Конденсатор нь цэнэгээ алдчихдаг. Энэхүү сэргээх үйл ажиллагаанд тодорхой хугацааг зарцуулдаг учир удаан ажиллагаатай байдаг. 
2.       SDRAM(Synchronous DRAM)
Синхрон динамик санамсаргүй хандалттай санах ой нь төхөөрөмжийг төхөөрөмжийн ажиллаж байгаа хугацаа болон  үйлдүйлоүйүйлдлийн хурд болон үйл ажиллагааны хурд зэргийг хараахан хадгалж чадахгүй байна. Тиймээс процессорын үйл ажиллагаанд DRAM бий болсноороо оролт гаралтын сигналиудыг хадгалах хялбар боломжийг бий болгосон.Энэтөрлийн DRAM-уудыг SDRAM  гэдэг.
3.       SRAM(Static RAM)
STATIC RAM нь мэдээлэлээ харьцангуй удаан хугацаанд хадгалж чаддаг. SRAM-н чипны дотор on/off залгагчууд байна. Мэдээллийг маш хурдан санаж чаддаг өндөр хурдтай санах ой боловч нэг бит мэдээллийг санах хэсэг нь олон транзистороос бүтсэн нарийн бүтэцтэй учир маш их мэдээлэл санадагсанах ой хийхэд бэрхшээлтэй байдаг. Сайн тал нь нэг л санасан бол тэжээл унтраагүй нөхцөл мэдээллээ алддаггүй.
(2) ROM
Тогтмол санах ой руу өгөгдлийг бичих боломжгүй зөвхөн уншдаг бөгөөд компьютерийг асаахад ажиллуулдаг Boot програмд хадгалагддаг. RAM- аас ялгагдах гол онцлог нь компьютерийг унтраасан байхад ч өөр дээрх мэдээллээ алдалгүй хадгалсаар байдаг.Тогтмол санах ойг (ROM)-йиг mask ROM, user programmable ROM гэж ангилдаг.
1.       Mask ROM

2.       User programmable ROM
ROM-ийн нэг төрөл бөгөөд Ганц удаа өөрчлөх боломжтой ROM. Энэ нь өндөр хүчдэл ашиглан чип дахь холболтуудыг тасалдаг тул ганц удаа л програмчлагдана. user programmable ROM нь дараах төрлүүдтэй байдаг.
-          PROM (Programmable ROM): Программыг устгаж цэвэрлэх боломжгүй зөвхөн өөр тийшээ зөөж хадгалах боломжтой.
-          EPROM (Erasable PROM): Хэт ягаан туяаны тусламжтайгаар программийг устгадаг.
-          EEPROM (Electrically Erasable PROM): Цахилгаан цэнэгийн тусламжтайгаар мэдээллийг нь устгах, дахин програмчилж болох нэгэн төрлийн санах ой.
EEPROM санах ойн  зөөвөрлөгч, үүнтэй адилаар энэ нь бас IC хадгалах хэсэгт ашиглаж байгаа дижитал камер, гэх мэт дүрс өгөгдлийн регистрт ашиглагдаж байна.


25 question answer

Answers 25 questions
1.        Tell me about yourself.
·         My name is Enkhtungalag.D and was born and raised in Govisumber aimag currently majoring in Radio Communications in Mongolian University of Science and Technology in junior year. Loves to play basketball and volleyball.
2.        What are your strengths?
·         My strength would be kind, good at sports, experienced in practical skills
3.        What are your weaknesses?
·         Weakness would be have a short temper, stubborn and can not be cold, unwilling to surrender
4.        Why should we hire you?
·         I'm an engineer with highly variable skills including language and practical skills. And I will be a great addition to your communication team. I was a member of Student Council in my school so I think I'm a good team player. Lastly I am a quick learner, I will understand or memorize it on first look.
5.         What did you like least about your last job?
·         The co-workers. They had a lot of job and management team was really unorganized. So we had a lot of stress on our minds. No body would work under that condition.
6.        Why are you leaving your present job?
·         As I previously told stress was the main reason. Also I wanted to try myself on a new environment
7.        How would you describe your work style?
·         Learn fast work efficient
8.        What would be your ideal working environment?
·         I would say great management team with experienced co-workers. And also optimistic environment would be nice
9.        What salary are you seeking?
·         I want it to be above/same as the previous job which is 800,000 MNT
10.     What are you looking for in terms of career development?
·         My primary focus is on continuing to develop my leadership skills, and I believe the best way to do that is to constantly challenge myself. I’ve always strived to take on greater responsibility with each of the companies I’ve worked for previously.
11.     What's the most important thing you learned in school?
·         First I would say Teamwork and then discipline. Being a part of Student Council takes a lot of effort from someone and you have to devote yourself fully.
12.     Why did you choose your major?
·         When I was in high school I never fully understood how to control toy planes without a cable. I tried to understand it and more I studied it more I loved it.
13.     Tell me about your proudest achievement?
·         Getting gold medal at "Basketball tournament" of Mongolian University of Science and Technology
14.      What kind of personality do you work best with and why?
·         Fast paced. I really don't like to do things slowly or calmly. So the best person I work with would be quick thinker, doesn't like to slack off and optimist.
15.     How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
·         I want to improve my english. The level I'm standing at is no good when used in practice
16.     What kind of goals would you have in mind if you got this job?
·         If I were to get this job, I would want to streamline the customer service, buff up the marketing and continue advancing the data base.
17.     What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
·         I make great use of reminders on my personal planner. I will probably enter anywhere from three to five, or even as many as ten, in a single work day. It keeps my day on schedule and ensures I do not forget any task.
18.     Was there a person in your career who really made a difference?
·         The person who made the biggest difference in my career was my coworker Martin. He and I started at the same time. We were both so green and inexperienced. He helped to push me to better myself and showed me the importance of continued education even in the workplace. I was excited about this field before I started working, but once Martin and I worked together I realized that not only was excited, but I was passionate too. I wanted to give my best.
19.      Who has impacted you most in your career and how?
·         I was lucky, my first manager was an amazing leader. She directly taught me about the industry, aiding in my learning process. She had twenty-two years experience at the time, I really respected her. Not only did I learn the basics of the industry, I learned so much indirectly.
20.     Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own weight? How did you handle it?
·         During one assignment, we had a student who simply stopped coming to class. At first, it seemed like that would slow us down, but once we broke down the extra work it actually streamlined our process. It was just a matter of giving the right tasks to the right people, and I was happy to be able to help sort that out.
21.     What attracted you to this company?
·         I would love to work somewhere where I can be that close with my coworkers
22.     What was the last project you headed up, and what was its outcome?
·         I worked with the production artists and accounting people to find the best fair trade solutions for the volume we were purchasing.
23.      What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
·         I was never late or missed a deadline. Of course, I think my boss would also bring up that I was great with the customers as well. My boss would say that I am punctual, good at taking criticism and ambitious. I try not to be late because I don’t want to waste the valuable time of clients or coworkers.
24.     List five words that describe your character.
·         I was the first person in my family to go to college, and along with their support, these personality traits really helped me get through school and appreciate the opportunities I’ve been given. I feel that they would help me succeed in this job as well.
25.     Why do you want this job?

·         I want this job because it emphasizes sales and marketing, two of my greatest skill sets. In my previous job, I increased sales by 15% in what was at the time considered a flat industry. I know I could bring my ten years of sales and marketing experience to this company, and help you continue your years of growth.

Speaking topics 1-6

1.       Describe a typical day at work. (college or school)
I’m student in the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Commonly, my school day start with my breakfast. But often don’t have breakfast. Because I try to add their knowledge to read yesterday's lessons every morning. This streamlines my work.  My mom always tells very important for me.  I’m walking to school because my house is near the school. Normally, I have 5 hours class. For me, I go in “Sysco-Tech” club twice or three times in a week. So I come back home in night time when I go to the “Sysco-Tech” club. Feel tired after returning home. I can’t but will try to passage the days of your family work.
2.       Describe a part of the world you would line visit.
I learn süljneenii engineer. I very much wanted to visit two places in India. Our schools work in partnership with Indian universities. I think there are very good engineers. Describe a person that you met recently and liked. Because India is the world leader in computer mind. Cost,  but I did not learn was too high. Their academic support program is aimed at students interested. Teachers have a good attitude about foreign students. I improve their professional practice to visit India soon.
3.       Describe a person that you met recently and liked
My new acquaintances Tergel. He is 1 years older than me. We met 3 months. We are like that. We go to a club. 4 courses that wireless communications. He helps me do not exercise. he is very helpful and generous. I always ask for help. Occasionally,  very worried. I tried to help him as could have. We learn different professions content is very near.
4.       Describe something you bought that you were not happy with.
I do on most notebook assignment lesson in. But my computer no longer bear the burden of the past when hard disk is damaged. I use a new hard disk. I bought a new hard disk. Hard disk is more expensive. But the incompatibility bought with my hard disk's fan. Fluctuations in in the phase match is a chip fan. I would not return until the shop again. New hard to get a good check of the rotor when disk.
5.       Describe a family event you are looking forward to.
I got family and friends celebrating the end of the successful high school diploma. Where my respect for teachers was not invited. Because I am the first to graduate joint pair  red diploma. He never for my parents and myself were very memorable day for myself. Long seen was very nice to meet relatives and friends. It's a nice day for me.
6.       Describe a TV or radio program enjoyed when you were a child.

I national television "Young Creator" program like. For the participants new ideas, much like those creatures. This is my profession, but feel closer. I have rich courses that can be permanent. He broadcast in week Saturday and Sunday there. I can watch it the weekend. This program report series. Feel can participate regardless age sex specific programs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

 Advice on how to make a presentation
Start preparing early; don't wait until the last few days to prepare
·         prepare it early, let it rest a little bit and come back to it
·         practice your entire presentation-including your slides
·         if you can practice it before a group of colleagues or friends
Think about Your Audience: 
·         who are they and why are they here;
·         what are their interests;
·          what do they know; what do they want to know; what is a worthwhile investment in their time
Be clear about your purpose: 
·         are you informing or persuading;
·         tell them what you are going to do, tell them, tell them what you told them;
·         what do you want the audience to know, feel, or believe afterwards
Use an Effective Introduction: 
·                       orient the audience; explain why it is important; set the tone,
·                       establish a relationship between the speaker and the audience; establish credibility;
·                       avoid weak introductions such as apologies, jokes, rhetorical questions
Organize your presentation clearly and simply: 
·                     Prioritize topics and allocate time accordingly
·                     stick to only 3-5 main points;
·                     have a well thought pattern (examples are problem/solution, chronological, cause and effect, topical); use transitions to move smoothly from one point to the next
Use supporting materials to flesh out main points 
·         Use examples, statistics, expert opinions, anecdotes
Compose for the Ear, not for the Eye: 
·         use simple words, simple sentences, markers, repetition, images, personal language ("You" and "I")
Create an Effective Conclusion: 
·         summarize, set final image, provide closure; don't trail off, don't use trite phrases
·         don't just present data or summarized results and leave the audience to draw its own conclusions
·         you have had much more time to work with your information than your audience; share your insight and understanding and tell them what you've concluded from your work

Sound spontaneous, conversational, enthusiastic 
·         use key phrases in your notes so you don't have to read, use the overhead instead of notes;
·         vary volume, don't be afraid of silence, don't use fillers like "um"...
·         Practice, Practice, Practice

Use Body Language Effectively:
·         relaxed gestures, eye contact; don't play with a pen or pointer,
·         don't block visual aids

Use Visual Aids to Enhance the Message: 
·         you will probably need to use overhead transparancies in your presentation but to be effective, they must be designed and used properly
·         use visuals to reinforce and clarify, not overwhelm;
·         keep visual aids uncluttered; use titles to guide the audience
·         if you use tapes or disks, make sure the equipment is compatible

Analyze the Environment:
·         check out size of room, placement of chairs, time of day, temperature, distractions
check out AV equipment ahead of time; have a spare bulb

Cope with Stage Fright by Remembering:
 it's normal; it can be helpful, everyone feels it.

Engleberg (1994) proposes a 7 P approach to the principles of public speaking. 
 You might find these helpful.

Purpose: - Why are you speaking? What do you want audience members to know, think, believe, or do as a result of your presentation
People :   Who is your audience? How do the characteristics, skills, opinions, and behaviors of your audience affect your purpose
Place:    Why are you speaking to this group now and in this place? How can you plan and adapt to the logistics of this place. How can you use visual aids to help you achieve your purpose
Preparation:   Where and how can you find good ideas and information for your speech? How much and what kind of supporting materials do you need.
Planning:     Is there a natural order to the ideas and information you will use? What are the most effective ways to organize your speech in order to adapt it to the purpose, people, place, etc.
Personality:     How do you become associated with your message in a positive way? What can you do to demonstrate your competence, charisma, and character to the audience?
Performance:  What form of delivery is best suited to the purpose of your speech. What delivery techniques will make your presentation more effective. How should you practice?